Wednesday, May 9, 2012

NFC TI TRF7970A Breakout Board V1.1 and STM32F4 Discovery

TRF7970A Breakout Board v1.1:

It is just a little update on the new board TI TRF7970A Breakout Board v1.1 I have built, I have ordered 20 PCB, it is a minor update/clean-up of the board to be easier to use (especially with SPI+SS mode which can be now selected by using simple Short Circuit Block Cap).

STM32F4 Discovery Firmware (for TRF7970A):

I have also news about progress on TRF7970A and STM32F4 Discovery Firmware:

  •    TI EVM GUI is working fine and is ported to STM32F4 (default mode when STM32F4 is powered).
  • Basic UID read for Vicinity/ISO15693 work fine too (through shell command).
  • Basic UID read for Mifare One card work fine (through shell command).
ExampleTerminal output log:
ch> nfm
Test nf ISO14443-A/Mifare read UID(4bytes only) start
Modulator Control Register read=0x31 (shall be 0x31)
ISO Control Register read=0x88 (shall be 0x88)
Test Settings Register(0x1A) read=0x40 (shall be 0x40)
Chip Status Control Register read=0x21
RX data(ATQA): 0x04 0x00
RSSI data: 0x7F (shall be > 0x40)
RX data(UID+BCC): 0xCD 0x81 0x5F 0x76 0x65
RSSI data: 0x7F (shall be > 0x40)
RX data(SAK): 0x08
RSSI data: 0x7F (shall be > 0x40)
Send HALT(No Answer OK)
Chip Status Control Register data: 0x01
nb_irq: 0x09
Test nfm ISO14443-A/Mifare end

  • The Sniffer mode for ISO14443A work fine(this version does not display Parity error or check CRC_A but it is planned).
Example Terminal output log on a Mifare One card read by Nexus S:
TAG 04 00
    93 70 cd 81 5f 76 65 d1 86
TAG 08 b6 dd
    60 00 f5 7b
TAG 2a 81 4c 55
    8c cc db f8 cb 98 1a 6e
TAG a0 ed 29 bd
    b2 ee f9 09
TAG 76 e6 ca 66 cc e6 0b df 7d 69 31 70 08 f3 6c dd eb ca
    3e 3b d5 81
TAG 82 0c df 9e e8 b0 e1 4a c5 9c de 45 27 26 79 41 e7 00
    07 c6 2d 8f
TAG fe c0 83 39 40 cb ea d8 0a cf 18 00 6c 78 97 9b 01 95
    f8 86 46 1c
TAG 34 d7 71 20 99 a1 a3 f9 0c e6 90 8b e6 5e 93 c1 53 23
    ae 87 f6 db
TAG c9 82 dd d5
    90 7c 16 4a 00 26 6c b4

  • Emulator mode is planned and lot of other modes too.

Just a little challenge for readers, try to decode crypted data contained in "Example Terminal output log on a Mifare One card read by Nexus S", I will give the answer and source code tool to do that on next blog message.

If anyone is interested by this new board you can contact me by Email (PCB are limited to 15 for order), I think I will receive the PCB of the new Board the 21 may 2012.

Best Regards